Exercise for all ages: the multigenerational park

15. December 2020

Many people know about the multigenerational house. But have you ever heard of a multigenerational park? What is it actually? Isn’t every park open to all ages? That’s true, of course. But a multigenerational park is specially designed so that children, as well as young people and especially older adults, can use public services there – equally!

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The prerequisite for such a park is that everyone can reach it. This applies both to the location of the park and to the issue of accessibility. Children and senior citizens, in particular, should be able to spend time in the park without any problems. Therefore, there should be sufficient possibilities for orientation and safety.

For children with physical disabilities, it is not only accessibility that is important. The playground equipment should also be accessible for them. Read more about this in our blog post “Barrier-free playground equipment: Inclusion on the playground”. 

Why a multigenerational park?

What makes a community attractive? What criteria do new people use to move to a new environment? Read also the detailed blog post on “Public playgrounds as part of city marketing”.

Some points are, of course, very individual when moving. But often people looking for a house or flat want similar things. Young families, for example, want recreational activities – gladly in the fresh air. But older adults also enjoy opportunities to spend their free time outdoors.

A multigenerational park brings generations together and at the same time promotes mental and physical health – without age restrictions. This makes the concept an ideal addition to any community.

What does a multigenerational park look like?

How a multigenerational park is equipped can be very different. However, some themes are always present: Encounter, communication, movement and tranquillity. These motifs are represented by a wide variety of possibilities, for example:

  • Sun terrace for relaxing and enjoying the sun
  • Open space for playing and romping
  • Forest areas for walks
  • Sports fields such as a beach volleyball court
  • Playgrounds with lots of exciting play equipment
  • Playing fields such as an XXL chessboard or boules court
  • Exercise stations
  • Benches and seating for relaxing
  • Catering facilities with outdoor terrace
Multigenerational Park - Park Landscape with Playground Ropeway.

Of course, there is also the possibility to divide the different equipment into areas.

  • Toddler area (age 0-3 years)
  • Children’s area (age 3-12 years)
  • Youth area (age 10-20 years)
  • Active area (age 0-99 years)
  • Community area

Here again, the unique feature of the multigenerational park comes to the fore. On the one hand, there are areas that are only designed for specific age groups. On the other hand, there are also areas that have no age restrictions and are designed for encounters and exchanges between the different generations.  

The different areas in the multigenerational park

Toddler area

 The toddler area allows the youngest children to play with their peers and use ergonomically designed equipment. The play area should be enclosed to facilitate the care and supervision of the children. Strategically placed plants or gazebos protect the little ones from excessive sunlight or cold air.

Children’s area

 This area offers exciting play opportunities with a high level of challenge as well as large areas for free play ideas and themed play landscapes. Here too, sunlight, noise, wind or cold air are prevented by the right plants or hill modelling.

Youth area

 The aim of the youth area is to promote the development and socialisation of teenagers. With community and competitive games, the teenagers can compete with each other here. Playing together encourages a sense of community and integration. Sufficient seating for conversations and breaks are also important.

Multigenerational park - young women on an active parkour.

Active course

 The active trail is aimed at all generations. All age groups can exercise here – regardless of their physical condition. The equipment promotes coordination, balance, mobility and motor skills through gentle sequences. The exercises can be done alone or in pairs – thus enabling new encounters. In addition to the equipment, there are also plenty of resting places with seating.

Community area

 The communal area is a central meeting point for all visitors. This creates the opportunity for the different age groups to meet in an informal atmosphere. A catering offer and appropriate planting can even create a beer garden flourish.

Especially in urban areas, parks should not be missing, as they offer an excellent balance to stressful everyday life. You can find out more about “Sustainable urban planning – urban spaces for playing, moving and meeting” in the related blog post.

You can find an overview of the different playground equipment on our website.

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